Let Love Light the Way
Feb 22, 2021 05:48PM ● By Anika Mills
Love: an intense feeling of deep affection; or a great interest and pleasure in something
Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another
Compassion: concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others
Admittedly, I’m unapologetically a softy. I cry during emotional scenes in movies and well written commercials. To be real, I need tissues all the time! If it’s a good story…I’m going down! Recently love, empathy and compassion have been equated with weakness. I feel this perception has helped build walls where there should be bridges. It has our dialogue with each other, at a time when communication is key.
Columbia Inspired Magazine is committed to sharing the stories that will empower, will uplift, and above all, will remind of us of who we are should be striving to be. You may wonder what that could be? I choose to believe that if you who live in Columbia and its surrounding communities, you want them to be areas where all are welcome. A place where opportunity has no limits and where support is provided for those in need. To create a community where these ideals are possible, love, empathy, and compassion must be involved. I come from a small town, Pleasant Hill, IA, where everyone knows your name or knows someone who does. I want you to think of our digital magazine as the opportunity for you to create small town connections with other members of the community. Feel free to think of our publication as your monthly reminder to get out and support the community around you. Whether it be supporting a small business that you didn't know existed in Howard County or maybe attend an event that supports a local organization doing good in the community. Our spotlights may even feature someone you may know.
We hope that our mission inspires you to subscribe to our bi-monthly newsletter. It is a free subscription and will allow us to share these wonderful stories, and events with you. You will be a part of our Columbia Inspired Magazine family!
Let us strive for progress, not perfection, and let us do it together. As February comes to a close this week, let us not forget to always let love light the way.
Until next time,