Planned Maintenance

Have you ever needed some downtime? I know, I know, downtime? We just had a 18 months of downtime…do we really need more? What I mean by downtime is really planned maintenance. Planned maintenance is the opportunity to take a moment to breathe and regroup on purpose. Everything seems to be trending back to where we were before the pandemic. Meetings are picking up, in person events are on the rise, and well…unfortunately the number of hospitalizations due to Covid-19 in different areas of the country are following suit. Before your eyes roll into the back of your head, this is not a lecture on Covid-19 and how we should be careful; though we should. This is about adjusting to where we are and being prepared for whatever will be. Here at Columbia Inspired Magazine we are doing just that. Our ability to pivot (I know we are all tired of that word…but that’s what we did) was amazing. We saw the world change and we did our best to change with it. However, due to the unexpected turn of events we need time to truly readjust. We are using the end of this month and August to do some planned maintenance of our own.

How about you? Have you taken the time to heal from what you have been through, and prepare for what’s ahead? This issue is our attempt to give you the opportunity to take a mental break. Read some light hearted articles that talk about your upcoming road trip, preparing for safe nuptials, and maybe even consider some outdoor landscape updates. After your relaxing read, we want you to practice some self care. Find ways to heal and create some routines that are all about taking care of you, i.e. planned maintenance. Then look forward, and make decisions on what your work-life balance looks like. If nothing else this past year taught many of us that what we were doing before wasn’t working. Don’t go back to it, create your new normal.

Moving forward through whatever is ahead, we promise to take the time to reflect on where we have been as a publication and make good decisions on how we can serve you better. We thank you so much for your continued support through our transition and can't wait to see what the future holds.
Take care of you…there is only one of you, and you are important and worth it!