It's Not Just Another Day
Aug 18, 2024 11:09PM ● By Anika Mills

If somehow you missed my 9 million posts on our social, July was my birthday month. I mean I really did tell everybody, lol! My father helped me learn why I should cherish my birthday, and my mother showed me how to celebrate.
When I was 8-years-old, I learned the very hard lesson that birthdays are not always promised. One morning, my father told me he loved me and kissed me on the forehead goodbye. He was headed off to go fishing.
I was the first child and, well, I happened to not be a boy. So, my dad made do and exposed his daughter to everything he loved, and he loved fishing. He was my very best friend, and I loved fishing with him.
That morning in June, not too far from Father’s Day, was a great morning to go fishing. When he woke me up to tell me he was going, I was ready to hop out of bed and get dressed, but this time, he just shook his head no and told me he was going alone. I begged to go, I needed to go, but he told me he loved me, and he’d be back. Unfortunately, he never returned, and somehow, I knew when he left that was the last time I would see him. My father taught me a valuable lesson that day. Tell the people in your life that you love them often and enjoy the opportunity to see them another day.
My father, Earnest Baty Jr., passed away at the young age of 35. He accomplished much in a short time and touched so many people in our community that his legacy lives on. And every time I celebrate another trip around the sun, I cherish it. I don’t assume I will get another one, and if I do, I want to make it count. I’m grateful for all of the wonderful men and women in my life, and I’m glad that I had the opportunity to celebrate my birthday with them and with you.
Remember to find time to celebrate yourself, whether it’s quiet time or getting together with those who pour into you. Let my birthday obsession inspire you, it’s your turn!